Sunday, September 23, 2012

Buy DN världen - out on Monday!

On October 10, Pia Skagermark will give a guest lecture in our course. Pia is the head of the foreign correspondents at Dagens Nyheter (DN) and also editor-in-chief of DN Världen [DN World], DN's monthly magazine.

Pia wants you to prepare for her lecture by reading the latest issue of DN Världen, #9/2012 (October). It will be published tomorrow, Monday Sept 24.

Please buy it at Pressbyrån or elsewhere (39 SEK), or, ask someone you know who subscribes to DN to give it to you (subscribers get it for free together with their daily newspaper).

"DN Världen is a 66-page magazine featuring stories and photos from around the world. DN Världen is a magazine with more foreign material that what fits in the daily Dagens Nyheter, and with a different pace and longer stories. The magazine is also an opportunity to show off more pictures from our amazing photographers. DN Världen has in-depth and longer stories where pictures plays an important role."


  1. Do we have to buy a print edition or it's ok with an iPad version (available at 22 SEK in DN+ app)?

    1. Professor Daniel, is it in English? Cause I don't speak Swedish at all =(

  2. Well, I have now conveyed Pia's wishes. I can not and will not control your purchases, so neither she nor me will have a good idea of if you actually bought (or indeed have read) DN världen. I imagine that the latest issues is of less use if you don't speak or read any Swedish :-) I'm sure iPad version is just as fine (perhaps even more interesting) as the print version.

    However, if you buy or get the DN Världen from a subscriber (parent, cousins boyfriend's mother, recycle bin?), I think it would be a nice touch to bring it on October the 10th when Pia will talk to us. International students who have little reason to buy it, or Swedish students who haven't done their "homework" could then at least leaf through it.

    You could of course also be satisfied with leeching a little, ingloriously leafing through it in oan obscure dark corner (?) at Pressbyrån or 7-Eleven... :-)

