Monday, November 12, 2012

Offload trends to the book introduction

It will be boring and perhaps also redundant if each groups starts their respective chapter by writing a page about different trends they assume will happen during the next 10-20 years. Especially if several group assume the same trends will happen (more tablets, death of paper, paper still going strong etc.).

You can therefore "offload" this work to Daniel who will write the introduction to the book. I have created a form where you can suggest trends (etc.) that you assume will happen and that you would like Daniel to write about instead of taking valuable space in your own chapter to write about these things. You find it here. Do note that there are also group- or project-specific trends/scenarios that you should keep and write about in your group - what we are talking about here is more general "background" societal trends that you might suspect also other groups assume will happen...

We have a tight schedule for writing the texts for the book, but you will still have until Saturday (Nov 17) to submit your suggestions. Daniel will review them in the beginning of next week and will get back to you mid-week (next week) at the latest with info you will need in order to make a good "transition" between the book intro and your own chapter. Do note:

- For the sake of simplicity, please designate one person who is responsible for your group's text. This can but does not have to be the same person as your project leader. This is also the person who should come to the "work seminar"/"writer's workshop" (one representative per group) on Tue Nov 27 (10-13) - we talked about this at the latest coordination meeting (Nov 6), see further this document (search for "workshop").
- Please have only this person be the representative of your group and the only person from your group who uses the form to suggest topics to offload.

Good luck with your texts!

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