This information is a little "premature" since you haven't been divided into project groups yet. If we on the other hand wait until you have been divided into project groups, you might feel that a lot of information and tasks arrive very suddenly at the beginning of next week.
So, beyond our three final guest lecturers, this is what will happen next week (Mon Oct 8 - Fri Oct 12):
- Monday Oct 8: You will get to know which group you are part of at
the Monday morning seminar (at the latest, it might be earlier, but as of this very moment only 25% have specified their preferences).
NOTE: at the end of this week I will have to divide you into groups (at the latest).
It's very much in your interest to have specified you interests at that point - I don't know exactly how to treat late-comers/absent-choice students, but however I choose to do it, it probably won't be to your liking...
- Monday Oct 8: Download the project plan template from Bilda (it is already available there now). The project plan can be compared to a project specification or a bachelor's/master's thesis specification. Use the headers and the instructions that are provided in the document as a starting point for discussions within your project group.
NOTE: The Wed Oct 10 morning (8-10) guest lecture might be helpful in the brainstorming process, in thinking "outside the box" and in terms of scenarios and disruptive changes.
- Thursday-Friday Oct 11-12: Each project group will meet Daniel and Leif at a 30 minutes long review meeting where we will discuss and give feedback on your projects - based on your project plans. At the review meeting, you will in turn try to impress us with your project plans (see excerpt from the course PM below).
- Monday Oct 8: Your group will be able to sign up for a review meeting slot (at the afternoon lecture, 13-15).
- You can choose either to send you project plan to Daniel and Leif by mail before the review meeting, or you can bring two copies on paper to the meeting. We would naturally prefer to have the chance to glance at your project plan
before the meeting - but it totally ok to instead bring it directly to the meeting.
- Monday October 15: If necessary, you can hand in a revised project plan, i.e. you do have the option of handing in an updated project plan based on feedback you got at the review meeting.
- Friday Oct 12: First work/lunch meeting with the "coordination group", i.e. Daniel, Leif, the executive group (6 persons) and the project leader from each group (≈12 persons). I have booked the 1537 seminar room (house E, 5th floor) between 12-13. Bring your own lunch.
The reason for this relatively hurried schedule is that the following week is exam week and we really want all project groups to get a boost and to start to work on the projects
before the exam week instead of letting it slide and picking it up later.
----- excerpt from the course PM -----
Therefore, not only the result, but also the process will be examined – much like with a bachelor’s or a
master’s thesis. Many of the items listed below are thus a way to make the work
of the individual and the project group visible for the teachers.
Each group shall (as part of the examination):
Write a project plan for what that group will do; what topic or problem
is to be examined/explored, how the group plans to go about doing that,
suggestions/plans for where to look, what to read, who to talk to, when to do
it, and what the group wants to or expects to achieve