Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Request for project summary/promotion material!

Beyond the weekly status report, we would like you to put together a one-time only presentation/sum-up of your respective projects. This information will be used by the executive group to to present the course and the project groups on the soon-to-be-created public face of the course - the homepage futureofmedia.se. It can also be interesting for intra-course communication - what do other groups work on, whose work are you close to and should confer with?

Together with the executive group (esp. webmaster Johan L), we would thus like each group to provide:

  • The (new?) name of your group
  • An inspiring question/statement/proposal; "What if...", "In the future,...", "We will...", "Our dream is..."
  • A short summary/pitch (around 40-100 words) about your project. What will you do, what is your big idea, what will you look into, how will you do it? 
  • A picture (width 960 * height 480 pixels) of "something"; a logotype for your project, a photo that tries to capture a feeling etc. (see example below).

You might feel that it is slightly premature to state/pitch what you will do, but the goal is to get a wealth of materials so as to be able to mix and mash something up that can convey a theme and a feeling for promotion/ad/elevator pitch purposes - for example in an attempt to get sponsors to the final presentation!

Each group should "hand in" this material in the form of a blog post on the companion blog. Deadline in Tuesday October 30!

For inspiration, see this TED talk by Simon Sinek, "How great leaders inspire action" about the importance of answering the questions "why", "who" and "how".



  1. Hi!

    Many groups have committed their pr material, some still have to do their pr posts. Don't forget that the deadline is today.

    Also, owing to certain circumstances, please don't forget to do the picture in correct dimensions (width 960 * height 480 pixels). This is important because we want to have uniformity in the material.

    Thank you for the material!

    Johan – executive group - web

  2. So... All the groups have done their pr posts and the site is now published. Thank you very much for your contribution!

    Johan – executive group - web

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. One question: why on earth did you ask for a 960 x 480 px image if you're only using that in one place buried deep in the site?

    2. Please download the other three size variations of our graphic from here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mva2c1hbarplt7n/8u8uQyFHpN

    3. Hi!

      Firstly: thank you for your feedback.

      Depending on platform resolution different sizes of the image will be used - all according to standards. They are all cropped automatically and is shown in its full size on your project page. Therefore it's not only four different sizes. It's about 64 different sizes - all following the graphic standards of rwd (technical aspect).

      Other pages where the image is shown is just commercial and leading channels for your project page (site structural aspect). The site structure has been processed within the executive group with the goal to give the projects the main focus.

      Some of the graphical elements will be changed during the upcoming weeks. For example the feature slider, that will not contain your pictures.

      It’s also a question of artistic design and has a meaning behind it that has been well processed (design structural aspect).

      Therefore we at the moment don’t request any more material from you.

      If you have any further question, ideas or feedback, please send me a mail - and we will process your requests as quick as we can.


  4. Wow, sounds like Johan could hold a lecture on the topic!
